ReactJS is a popular and widely used Javascript library for building rich user interfaces. this article shows how to consume Rest Services from a Quarkus application in a simple React front-end.
Getting started with React
To get started with ReactJS, you are going to need NPM (or Yarn, alternatively). Let’s use NPM for this example.
npm install
Then, since we don’t want to bootstrap React manually, we will use the create-react-app. This utility will do all the configuration and necessary package installations for us automatically. It will also start a new React app locally, ready for development.
To install it, execute:
npx create-react-app my-app
In a short time, you will see your application ready and the following resources are now available in the folder “my-app”:
$ ls node_modules package.json package-lock.json public src
To start your React App, run the following command:
npm start
Before we update our React UI, we will design first a simple endpoint with Quarkus.
Coding the Quarkus Endpoint
We assume you have a basic knowledge of Quarkus to complete this step. If you are new to it, we recommend to check this article: Getting started with QuarkusIO
Our simple Quarkus endpoint produces a List of Contact objects through this simple Class:
@Path("/contacts") public class ContactResource { @Inject ContactService service; @GET public List<Contact> findAll() { return service.getPersons(); } @POST public Response add(Contact contact) { service.addPerson(contact); return Response.status(201).build(); } }
Here we won’t go into the details of the ContactService which merely keeps a List of Contact objects. Check the source code at the end of the article to see the full application.
In the end, our Quarks application produces an array of JSON Objects like this:
[ { "firstName": "Bruce", "lastName": "Wayne", "hero": "Batman" }, { "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Parker", "hero": "Spiderman" }, { "firstName": "Steve", "lastName": "Rogers", "hero": "Captain America" }, { "firstName": "Bruce", "lastName": "Banner", "hero": "Hulk" } ]
Finally, before we move to the React Application, we need to enable CORS in to support cross-origin requests and data transfers between browsers and servers:
Consuming REST with React JS
We will now connect to the Quarkus endpoint from a simple React application.
Firstly, let’s connect the REST Endpoint within our App.js file. The App Component is the main component in React which acts as a container for all other components.
Within this file, to fetch our REST data, we will use a componentDidMount() method in our App.js file. This method is executed immediately our component is mounted and we will also make our API request in that method.
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Contacts from './components/contacts'; class App extends Component { render() { return ( <Contacts contacts={this.state.contacts} /> ) } state = { contacts: [] }; componentDidMount() { fetch('http://localhost:8080/contacts') .then(res => res.json()) .then((data) => { this.setState({ contacts: data }) }) .catch(console.log) } } export default App;
The fetch command will make a GET request to the endpoint, then parses the output to JSON. Finally it will set the value of our state to the output from the API call. Within the finally block we will log any error we get to the console.
Creating our contacts component
Next, we will create a component to render the JSON Data as cards. To do that, we will create a component by creating a new sub-folder named components in the src directory.
Then, we will create a contacts.js file in the components directory by running:
$ mkdir src/components $ touch src/components/contacts.js
The contents of the contacts.js component file will be the following:
import React from 'react' const Contacts = ({contacts}) => { return ( <div> <center><h1>Contact List</h1></center> { => ( <div class="card"> <div class="card-body"> <h5 class="card-title">{contact.hero}</h5> <h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">{contact.firstName}</h6> <p class="card-text">{contact.lastName}</p> </div> </div> ))} </div> ) }; export default Contacts
The Contacts method accepts the contacts state we created earlier and then returns a mapped version of the state, which loops over the bootstrap card to insert the Hero name along with name and surname.
Rendering the contacts component
If you go back to the App.js file, you will see that a reference to the component is available in the list of imports.
// src/App.js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Contacts from './components/contacts'; ...
That’s all. We can now test our application.
Testing the React Application
Firstly, make sure that Quarkus endpoint is up and running. Move to the Quarkus folder and run:
mvn quarkus:dev
Then, move to the React project and start it with:
npm start
You will see that the list of JSON objects is rendered through using React’s Card UI:
This article was a quick walk-through React JS framework from installation and customization. At the end of it. we managed to consume REST Services from a Quarkus Endpoint
Source code: