RESTAssured tutorial

This tutorial discusses about RESTAssured, a Testing framework that is used by several frameworks (including Quarkus) to test specifically REST applications.

REST Assured is a Java API that can be used to validate RESTful services through its fluent DSL (Domain specific Languages) that describes a connection to an HTTP endpoint and expected results.

Here is a REST Assured Hello World example:

import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.given;

import org.junit.Test;

public class MinimalRestAssured {

 public void checkSiteIsUp() {


This minimal example shows how to connect to an HTTP resource through a GET call and verify that the HTTP code 200/success is returned. Notice that we don’t need to use typical assert expressions (like JUnit classes do) as this si done behind the hoods by RESTAssured if there is a mismatch between your expression and the result. Now let’s see a more complex example where we check the body returned as JSON. In order to do that, we first need to import some more classes:

import io.restassured.RestAssured.*
import io.restassured.matcher.RestAssuredMatchers.*
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*

Now let’s see practical example.

Suppose you have the following JSON returned by the URI “/cars” :

  "year": "2001",
  "make": "Ford",
  "model": "Coupe"

You can verify that URI returns a status code of 200 and the body content using this fluent API:

public void testCustomerService() {



You can also verify exact values:

public void testCustomerService() {

        .body("year", is(1987));

RESTAssured using Parameters

What if your REST Test uses parameters? Here is how you can Test against Path Params:

public void testListOfUsers() {
        .pathParam("id", "12345")
        .body("firstName", equalTo("John"))
        .body("Surname", equalTo("Doe"));

And here is how you can test agains Query Parameters using as bonus also an Header Verification:

public void testListOfUsers() {
            .header("Authorization", authorizationHeader)
            .queryParam("id", "1")
            .body("firstName", equalTo("John"))
            .body("Surname", equalTo("Doe"));

How to validate a response which contains an array of data

Applications which are producing tabular data from a Database, typically a response with an Array of JSON objects. To validate the content of the response, you can reference the single array data as in the following example:

public void testListOfUsers() {
        .body("$.size()", is(3),
                "[0].id", is(1),
                "[0].name", is("Batman"),
                "[1].id", is(2),
                "[1].name", is("Superman"),
                "[2].id", is(3),
                "[2].name", is("Wonder woman")

Extracting Manually the Response

In some cases, it could be required to fetch the JSON Response so that we perform some actions with it. Here is how to fetch in a JSONArray the Response returned from an HTTP GET Test:

public void testGetListOfUsers() {
    Response response = given()
    String jsonBody = response.getBody().asString();
    try {
        JSONArray usersArray = new JSONArray(jsonBody);
        assertTrue(usersArray.length() > 0);
    } catch (JSONException ex) {

XML Testing with REST assured

XML can be verified in a similar way. Imagine that a POST request to http://localhost:8080/users returns:


You can easily perform and verify the firstName with REST assured:

         parameters("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe").
         body("greeting.firstName", equalTo("John")).

If you want to verify both firstName and lastName you may do like this:

         parameters("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe").
         body("greeting.firstName", equalTo("John")).
         body("greeting.lastName", equalTo("Doe"));

Testing other HTTP methods

RESTAssured can be tested to verify all HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). You can attach the HTTP method in the fluent expression as in the following example:

    public void testCar() {

        JsonObject car = Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("make", "Fiat")
                .add("model", "500").build();

        // Testing HTTP POST

        // Testing HTTP GET

        car = Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("id", "1")
                .add("make", "Opel")
                .add("model", "Karl").build();

        // Testing HTTP PUT

        // Testing HTTP DELETE


Compiling REST Assured applications

If you are using Maven to build your project, you need to add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


Also, as REST-assured leverages the Hamcrest matchers to perform its assertions, we must include that dependency as well:


That’s all! Enjoy coding with RESTAssured