JBoss Clustering a Web Application

This article discusses the required steps to cluster a Web application using WildFly application server and the older server releases (JBoss AS 5). Clustering allows us to run an applications on several parallel servers (a.k.a cluster nodes). The load is distributed across different servers, and even if any of the servers fails, the application is … Read more

Configuring WildFly as Load Balancer for a Cluster

This tutorial is about Load Balancing a cluster of WildFly servers using a WildFly front-end server configured using the load-balancer profile. Since WildFly 9, you can use an instance of the Application Server as a mod_cluster front-end for your back-end applications. This removes the need to use a native Web server like Apache (and mod_cluster … Read more

How do I change multicast address of JBoss cluster ?

There are different options to change the default multicast address depending on the version of JBoss / WildFly which you are using. Changing the multicast address in WildFly In WildFly the System Property which controls the default multicast address is jboss.default.multicast.address and defaults to <socket-binding name=”jgroups-udp” interface=”private” port=”55200″ multicast-address=”${jboss.default.multicast.address:}” multicast-port=”45688″/> Therefore, you can change … Read more

Clustering EJB 3 with JBoss AS

Please note: This tutorial has been written for JBoss EAP 5/6 and early versions of WildFly. The current version of WildFly or JBoss EAP 7 no longer requires you to enable the clustering behavior. By default, if the server is started using the “ha” or “full-ha”, the state of SFSBs will be replicated automatically and … Read more

How to configure Load Balancing Groups in WildFly

In this tutorial we will learn how to configure Load Balancing Groups with mod_cluster so that requests for your applications are not spread randomly across the full WildFly cluster. Application requests will be sent first to other nodes available in a given Balancing Group before it is sent to another Load Balancing Group. Our starting … Read more

How to restrict access to mod_cluster Manager

The mod_cluster distribution includes a manager application which can be used to test your cluster topology and manage as well deployed applications across the cluster. In this tutorial we will show how to protect access to the mod_cluster_manager application with a password. In order to protect our mod_cluster_manager application we will use a standard Apache … Read more

WildFly Configuring HTTP Session in a cluster

This tutorial discusses in detail how to configure HTTP Session Management in clustered Web applications, based on the new changes introduced in WildFly 17. Web applications which are running in a cluster-aware configuration (“ha” or “full-ha” profile) can survive the lifespan of a single server by adding the element into the web.xml file. Example: <web-app … Read more

Configuring Ranked Load Balancing in WildFly

One of the new features included in WildFly 18 is the ability to load balance requests using a ranked order of preference. The default session affinity algorithm in a WilFly cluster is set by the “affinity” attribute: /subsystem=undertow/configuration=filter/mod-cluster=load-balancer:read-resource() { “outcome” => “success”, “result” => { “advertise-frequency” => 10000, . . . . “affinity” => {“single” … Read more

Configuring High Availability with WildFly

High Availability in WildFly serves the purpose to guarantee the availability of Java EE application. As the number of request for an application increase, there are two potential issues: Failure of the application, if the only node where it runs crashes. Delays in serving requests, if the server is unable to handle the load. In … Read more

Configuring JBoss Farming service

JBoss farming service was available for early versions of the application server. such as JBoss 4 and JBoss 5. This tutorial discusses how to configure it and which are the alternatives available for new versions of the application server. What is JBoss Farming Service? The farming service is an hot-deploy feature available in the “all” … Read more