Dumping the JNDI tree in WildFly empowers developers to gain deeper insights into the application’s runtime environment, enabling them to identify potential conflicts, or misconfigurations that might affect the overall performance and stability. Furthermore, this process provides a valuable means of documentation, aiding in collaboration between development and operations teams.
jboss as 7
WildFly is the open source implementation of the Jakarta EE suite of services. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise customers who are looking for preconfigured profiles of JBoss Enterprise Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to provide an integrated experience. It’s easy-to-use server architecture and high flexibility makes WildFly the ideal choice for users just starting out with Jakarta EE and Microprofile API, as well as senior architects looking for a customizable middleware platform.
WildFly is free and open-source software, subject to the requirements of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1.
How to configure WildFly in Domain mode
In this article we will learn the basics of Domain mode configuration for WildFly application server / JBoss EAP covering the new Elytron–based configuration. In the second part of this article we will discuss the legacy Domain configuration.
How to code a Remote EJB Client with WildFly
This tutorial explains how to invoke EJBs running on WildFly from a remote client by using the JNDI API. We will learn how to first lookup the EJB proxy and then invoke methods on that from a remote standalone Java client.
Getting started with modules on WildFly
A WildFly module is a collection of classes and other resources packaged in a set of JAR files, along with the specification for it. The module specification exposes what the module exports or imports from other modules. Modules Types There are two kinds of modules: Statically Deployed Modules. which are available under $JBOSS_HOME/modules directory. Deployment … Read more
How to deploy MBeans in WildFly
This tutorial shows how to deploy MBeans , bundled in SAR files, on the top of WildFly / JBoss application server. What is a SAR archive? You can use SAR archive to deploy a service component in the application server without dependency on other components. You can create a separate component as a SAR file … Read more
Configuring module slots in WildFly
This article covers modules slot installation which allows having multiple versions from the same module, grouped in slots.
How to manage WildFly programmatically with DMR API
In this tutorial we will show how to use detyped management API to control your application server resources. The CLI tool that comes with the application server uses this interface, and user can develop custom clients that use it as well.
How to install WildFly on Linux
This tutorial will teach you how to install the latest release of WildFly application server on a Linux box. The pre-requisite to install WildFly is that you have available a JDK on your machine. Installing Java The most heavily tested SE options for WildFly are still Java 11 and Java 8, because both WildFly and … Read more
A Thread pattern for JBoss Enterprise applications
Using Threads in your Enterprise applications has been traditionally discouraged as it might conflict with the Application Server’s own threads. Nevertheless with the introduction of the Asynchronous EJBs it is possible to explore new design patterns which allow managing your thread pool from within the EJB container. Important notice: this tutorial requires JBoss AS … Read more
EJB invocations from a remote WildFly server
In this tutorial we will show how you can perform EJB to EJB invocations between two WildFly server instances. Calling EJB which are located on a remote EJB server is done differentely depending if the remote client is a standalone client or if the client is located on another instance of WildFly. Java Standalone clients … Read more