Java 21 Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods

Java 21 introduces two language core features: Unnamed Java Classes and a new launch protocol which allows running Java classes in a simpler format. In this article we will cover in detail these new features explaining how they can simplify your daily Java coding.

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Troubleshooting OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory

An OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory is a common error that Java developers encounter when working with applications that use large amounts of direct memory. Direct memory is allocated outside of the Java heap, and allows storing data that is needed by native libraries or I/O operations. In this tutorial, we will explore some common causes of this error and provide some troubleshooting steps.

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Writing high performance Apache HTTP Clients

When it comes to consuming HTTP resources in Java applications, Apache HTTP Client is a popular choice for developers due to its ease of use, flexibility, and robustness. In this article, we will explore how to write a high-performance Java HTTP client using the Apache HTTP Client library.

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How to solve “Too many Open Files” in Java applications

Scenario: Your application log displays the error message “Too many Open Files“. As a result, application requests are failing and you need to restart the application. In some cases, you also need to reboot your machine. In this article we will discuss File handling best practices and how to prevent File leaks in Java with proper resource management.

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Java Lambda Expressions Examples

Lambda expressions in Java are a concise way to represent anonymous functions or “function literals.” They are primarily used to implement functional interfaces, which are interfaces with a single abstract method. Let’s dive into some examples.

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How to configure the HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter in Java

This article will teach you what is the usage of the HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError JVM parameter and how to configure it on an application server such as JBoss EAP or WildFly. HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError made simple The JVM parameter “-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError” captures OutOfMemoryError instances that occur due to memory exhaustion in the Java heap space. When the Java Virtual Machine … Read more

How to Fix the HTTP 415 “Unsupported Media Type” Error with JSON

If you’re a developer who has worked with web APIs, you might have come across the HTTP 415 “Unsupported Media Type” error. This error occurs when the server doesn’t support the media type that’s being used in the request. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss one common cause of the HTTP 415 error and how to fix it.

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How to catch multiple Exceptions in Java

When working with Java, it’s common to encounter situations where you need to handle multiple exceptions. Fortunately, Java provides a simple and efficient way to do this using the catch block. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to catch multiple exceptions in Java, along with some tips and code snippets to help you get started.

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Java Finally Block – When it is not executed ?

The finally block in Java is used to define a section of code that will always be executed, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or caught. However, there are certain conditions under which the finally block may not execute. In this tutorial, we’ll explore these conditions and provide some code snippets to illustrate them. Hint: read it through as this is a common interview question!

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