Maven for Eclipse Users Tutorials

In this article we will try to provide a kickstart guide for Maven newbies, using the familiar concepts inherited from the Eclipse IDE such as Build Path, Deployment Assembly and so on. Kind of Rosetta Stone for Eclipse users ! How to create a new Project ? For Eclipse users creating a new project is … Read more

Maven JBoss AS 7 plugin tutorial

The Maven JBoss plugin can be used to perform some common tasks like deploy/undeploy or add resources as part of your Maven goal. In the latest release of this plugin there is even the ability to perform the execution of Command Line Interface commands using it. This tutorial shows how to do all these things. … Read more

JBoss Maven example: building a Java EE 6 application

In this tutorial we will show how to create a basic Java EE 6 application which will run on JBoss AS 7 using Maven. Apache Maven can provide benefits for your jave ee projects by employing standard conventions and practices to accelerate your development cycle while at the same time helping you achieve a higher … Read more