Learning Containers with Podman and Docker

wildfly training course

Course Description

In today’s dynamic software landscape, containerization has emerged as a transformative force, empowering developers and DevOps professionals to build, deploy, and manage applications with unprecedented efficiency and agility. This comprehensive training will equip you with the skills to become a proficient containerist, effectively harnessing the power of Docker and Podman to revolutionize your software development workflow.

Unleash the Benefits of Containerization with Docker

Delve into the fundamentals of Docker, the leading containerization platform, and gain hands-on experience with its core concepts, including containers, images, registries, and orchestration. Learn how to create, manage, and deploy containerized applications with ease, enhancing development speed, reliability, and scalability.

Craft Your Own Containerized Solutions

Create custom container images, precisely tailored to the needs of your applications. Learn how to craft sophisticated Dockerfiles or Containerfiles to build images that encapsulate your applications’ dependencies, configurations, and runtime environments.

Advanced Container Management

Elevate your expertise by mastering Docker Compose, a powerful tool for managing complex multi-container applications. Learn how to define your application’s dependencies and configurations using YAML files, automating the deployment and management of your containerized ecosystem.

This course is for developers and DevOps professionals who aspire to master containerization techniques and build robust, scalable applications with Docker and Podman.

Who is this training for ?

wildfly training

Dev Ops Engineers

Accelerate their ability to manage and automate containerized workflows, enhancing their role in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines

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Application Devs

Enhance your skills in building and deploying containerized applications, ensuring faster development cycles and improved application portability.

wildfly course

Cloud Architects

Understand the core concepts of containerization and its role in cloud-native application development. Design and implement scalable containerized architectures.

What will you learn in this Course

Containers fundamentals

Explore the foundational concepts of Containers, understanding its core components and functionalities.

Customize your Containers

Craft your own containerized solutions with Dockerfile, creating custom container images tailored to the needs of your applications.

Container Orchestration

Orchestrate and manage containerized applications with Docker Compose and beyond, mastering tools like Kubernetes for efficient scalability and fault tolerance.

Containers lifecycle

Master every aspect of the Container lifecycle, from the image building to container creation and management.

Containers toolbox

Gain experience with container management principles and tools, enabling you to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications with confidence..

Troubleshoot issues

Learn how to troubleshoot common issues related to container creation, deployment and runtime execution.

Course duration

The course is usually delivered in three days.


Upon completion of this course, you will have a deep understanding of containerization principles, tools, and practices.

Class Format

Lecture / Hands-on Labs

Delivered in: English or Italian

jboss training

Francesco Marchioni


Francesco is a well-known book author and blogger about Java Enterprise technologies with special focus on the JBoss product galaxy.


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