Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Local

Red Hat OpenShift Local (formerly Red Hat Code Ready Containers ) provide a minimal, preconfigured OpenShift 4.X single node cluster to your laptop/desktop computer for development and testing purposes. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up an OpenShift clusters using with Red Hat OpenShift Local to emulate the cloud development environment on your laptop.

Installing Red Hat OpenShift Local

Red Hat OpenShift Local uses a single node, which behaves as both a control plane and worker node. In this section we will cover the Linux installation. You can refer to the quickstart guide for information about the other OS.

On Linux, Red Hat OpenShift Local requires the libvirt and NetworkManager packages.

You can install them as follows in Fedora/RHEL distributions:

$ sudo dnf install qemu-kvm libvirt NetworkManager

On Debian and Ubuntu, you need to install the following packages:

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-system network-manager

Next, download the latest release of Red Hat OpenShift Local  at:

Finally, from the same page download the Pull Secret which you will need during the installation . The Pull Secret is related to your Red Hat account, therefore you need one to complete the installation process

Once downloaded, create a folder named `.crc` in your home directory:

$ mkdir $HOME/.crc

Then unzip the CRC archive in that location:

$ tar -xf crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz -C $HOME/.crc

Next, add it to your system PATH:

export PATH

Verify that the crc binary is now available:

$ crc version

CRC version: 2.23.0+ddcfe8
OpenShift version: 4.13.3
Podman version: 4.4.4

Great, your environment is ready. It’s time to start it!

Starting Openshift cluster

The `crc setup` command will download the OpenShift bundle to your machine:

crc setup

The above step will require some time depending on the speed of your network.

After the download is complete, we recommend setting up an higher Memory Requirement for your OpenShift cluster in order to run Enterprise applications with it (the default is 9 GB):

crc config set memory 16000

The above command will set the Amount of Memory of the OpenShift cluster to 16GB.

Next, you can start the Red Hat OpenShift Local cluster with:

$ crc start

You need to provide the Pull Secret that you have previously downloaded.

Then, the local OpenShift cluster will start:

INFO Checking if oc binary is cached              
INFO Checking if running as non-root              
INFO Checking if Virtualization is enabled        
INFO Checking if KVM is enabled                   
INFO Checking if libvirt is installed             
INFO Checking if user is part of libvirt group    
INFO Checking if libvirt is enabled               
INFO Checking if libvirt daemon is running        
INFO Checking if a supported libvirt version is installed 
INFO Checking if crc-driver-libvirt is installed  
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is available 
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is active  
INFO Checking if NetworkManager is installed      
INFO Checking if NetworkManager service is running 
INFO Checking if /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/crc-nm-dnsmasq.conf exists 
INFO Checking if /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/crc.conf exists 
INFO Starting CodeReady Containers VM for OpenShift 4.3.0... 
INFO Verifying validity of the cluster certificates ... 
INFO Check internal and public DNS query ...      
INFO Check DNS query from host ...                
INFO Starting OpenShift cluster ... [waiting 3m]  
INFO To access the cluster, first set up your environment by following 'crc oc-env' instructions 
INFO Then you can access it by running 'oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443' 
INFO To login as an admin, run 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p 7z6T5-qmTth-oxaoD-p3xQF https://api.crc.testing:6443' 
INFO You can now run 'crc console' and use these credentials to access the OpenShift web console 
Started the OpenShift cluster

So, out of the box, two users have been created for you. An admin user (kubeadmin) and a developer user. Their credentials are displayed in the above log.

Now reach the Web console of OpenShift with:

crc console

You will notice that the connection is insecure as no certificate is associated with that address. Choose to add an Exception in your browser and continue.

Code Ready Containers tutorial openshift wildfly

After you have entered the username and password, you will be redirected to the Dashboard of Openshift, which features the default project:

Code Ready Containers tutorial openshift wildfly

Troubleshooting CRC installation

Depending on your DNS/Network settings, there can be some things that can possibly go wrong.

Let’s start from this error message:

Failed to query DNS from host: lookup api.crc.testing: no such host

This issue is caused by a misconfiguration of your DNS in the file /etc/resolv.conf.  Check that it contains the following entries:


Another common issue is the following one:

CRC - Cannot SSH to VM, crc start failed

The most likely cause is a misconfiguration of your virtual network. You can fix it by releasing any resources currently in use by it and re-creating through the `crc set up`. Here is the script to perform this tasks:

crc stop
crc delete
sudo virsh undefine crc --remove-all-storage
sudo virsh net-destroy crc
sudo rm -f /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/crc-nm-dnsmasq.conf /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/crc.conf
crc setup
crc start

More details about this are available here:

In general terms, if you find an issue with your CRC cluster, it is bes to start crc in debug mode to collect logs with:

crc start --log-level debug 

Finally, if you try to upgrade your OpenShift Local Cluster, you might get the following error message:

operation failed: domain 'crc' already exists

This error happens if you have only removed the .crc folder from your machine without destroying/undefining your installation. To safely remove your current installation of OpenShift Local Cluster, after removing the content of the .crc folder also execute:

sudo virsh destroy crc
sudo virsh undefine crc


In conclusion, installing and troubleshooting Red Hat OpenShift Local on your laptop can greatly enhance your development workflow, enabling you to efficiently build and test containerized applications right on your local machine. Throughout this article, we’ve covered the step-by-step installation process, ensuring that you have all the necessary dependencies in place and are ready to work seamlessly with Red Hat’s robust container ecosystem.

By utilizing Red Hat OpenShift Local, you gain access to a user-friendly and isolated development environment, equipped with the latest OpenShift features and capabilities. This empowers developers to experiment, iterate, and innovate more effectively, reducing the time spent setting up complex infrastructure and allowing you to focus on what truly matters – delivering high-quality applications.