Getting to know WildFly folder structure

In this tutorial we will learn the basic folder structure of WildFly application server.

wildfly folder structure wildfly folder structure wildfly folder structure

Let’s begin from the root folder:

  • appclient: Configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used by the application client container are run from this installation.
  • bin: Contains startup scripts and also scripts for installing WildFly as a service and libraries for connecting to the CLI
  • docs: Contains the license files, sample configurations, documentation, and other documents are located here.
  • domain: Contains the configuration for WildFly when running in Domain mode. See WildFly Domain structure for more details.
  • modules: WildFly classloading is structured in a modular way. All modules are stored in this directory. Also, you can add new modules here.
  • standalone: Contains the configuration for WildFly when running in Standalone mode. See WildFly Standalone structure for more details.
  • welcome-content: This folder contains elements of the default Web application which gets deployed on the Root Web Context.

WildFly structure under “standalone”

  • configuration: Contains all the server configuration files that are used to run this installation.
  • deployments: Contains applications which gets deployed manually when they are copied here.
  • lib/ext: This is the folder for installed library jars referenced by applications using the Extension-List mechanism.
  • tmp: Contains temporary files written by the server.
  • data: Contains files written by the server during startup and their lifecycle.
  • log: Contains the log files generated by the application server.

WildFly structure under “domain”

  • configuration: Contains all the Domain configuration files that are used to run this installation.
  • data: Contains files written by the server during startup and their lifecycle.
  • servers: This folder is used by each application server instance that runs from this installation. Each application server instance will have its own subdirectory, created when the server is first started. In each server’s subdirectory, there will be a server definition which contains its:
    • data folder, with files written by the server during startup and their lifecycle.
    • log folder with log files
    • tmp folder with temporary files
  • log: Contains the log files generated by the Host Controller.
  • tmp: Contains temporary files written by the Host Controller.
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