Java Web Start on WildFly / JBoss EAP

This tutorial is an update of How to deploy Java Web Start Applications on JBoss tested on JBoss EAP 6 and WildFly. I have decided to update the older tutorial as a few changes are needed to run Java Web Start applications on newer versions of the application server. First of all, we will create a Web … Read more

Load Balancing EJBs in WildFly

One of the main advantages of using clustered Session Beans is that load can be spread across several cluster members. This by default happens on a random basis. Today we will learn how to customize the Session bean load balancing in WildFly or JBoss EAP 6. By default, calls from a client to a cluster … Read more

Dynamic PrimeFaces Datatables

In this post I will explain how to use Java Reflection to extract PrimeFaces models from POJO classes. Specifically we will create a dynamic DataTable using the p:columns component.  Setup Using reflection could be quite tediuos, luckily for us theres the Apache Commons BeanUtils API. This library helps us to dynamically read the properties of our … Read more

Create a REST services layer with Spark

The purpose of this post is to explain how to work with Spark: a micro-framework that let us quickly create a REST services layer. Spark is the Java porting of Sinatra: famous micro-framework written in Ruby. With Spark its possible to start a REST web server with a few lines of code, as we can … Read more

Monitor WildFly with CLI and your bash skills

There are actually many free and opensource tools for monitoring the jboss/wildfly application server. In this article we will learn how to create a monitoring shell using as little as jboss cli and bash and awk. In some scenarios you have to monitor one or two key attributes of the application server configuration and receive … Read more

WildFly – ActiveMQ integration part 1: RAR deployment

This tutorial describes how you can configure the ActiveMQ 5 resource adapter on WildFly with a few simple steps. [Please note, if you want to integrate ActiveMQ Artemis, then check this tutorial: How to connect WildFly to a remote ActiveMQ Artemis server?] A Resource adapter is a Java EE component that implements the Connector architecture (JCA) … Read more

Dispatching commands on WildFly cluster

This tutorial has been updated, thanks to the suggestions received on We thank our readers for reporting any issue found in our tutorials. This is the second article about WildFly clustering API. You can read here the first tutorial: Monitoring a cluster using WildFly API. In this article we will learn how to execute commands … Read more

Reading properties in EJB

One of the most compelling needs of applications is to read initialization properties. If your application is EJB-centric, then a very simple strategy is to read the properties from a File and store them in an EJB Singleton. Here is how to do it. At first here is how our application looks like: DemoApp.war | … Read more

Accessing ServletContext and ServletRequest in CDI Beans

Today I’ve found one interesting question on StackOverFlow of one user asking to read the web.xml context params from a CDI Bean. Luckily it’s not complicated at all to accomplish this task. In order to be able to read the web.xml context-params from a CDI Bean all you need to do is injecting the ServletContext … Read more

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