Which is WildFly latest version?

This article will help you to find the latest version of WildFly application server and it is automatically updated after each WildFly new version

WildFly latest version

The latest version of WildFly Application server – as of April 2024 – is version 32.0.0.Beta1.

You can download the latest version of WildFly from the official site: https://www.wildfly.org/downloads/

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Alternatively, you can use the Galleon tool to install the whole distribution or some specific layers. To learn more about it check this article: Provisioning WildFly with Galleon

Finally, if you want to build WildFly from the source, you can download WildFly master branch with latest changes from Github: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly . Then, you can build it with:

mvn install
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